Friday, October 16, 2009

Pulled BW on the 2HP

I did some 2HP tonight.

190x2 singles
180x5 singles
170x5 singles

I weighed 184 today making me one of a handful who have pulled over BW on the 2HP. Yay me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Getting back into Grip

I've really been neglecting my training these past few months. This whole ACL thing put me in a slump that I'm just now able to come out of. I had originally figured I'd train grip and pressing while unable to use my leg for much, but I just felt like crap when doing that. I didn't want to be there. My grip felt the same way. I just didn't feel like doing it. School started up, and I really enjoy it and I want to focus on it this year. Last year I had a 4.0 and this year I plan to have the same, but with the difficult subjects I'm taking, it will require more focus. You only have so much "focus" in you. The saying goes "Give it your all." If you do that, you have very little left for anything else. I'm learning to shift focus more frequently, but it's tough. Switching from Academics to Strength Training to teaching my precocious little sister the math that her school refuses to teach her. It's just plain tough. Slowly but surely I'm doing it though. Come Gripmas Carol time, I'll know just how successful I am at it right now. The semester ends around that time, Gripmas is the contest I am currently training and my little sister will be in the tougher courses she needs(and wants!).

My #1 strength goal right now is to break the hammer-to-face lever record at the Gripmas Carol. That means doing 23.51lbs or better. I feel I can do it, but I probably wont even win the event even if I do lift 23.51!!! Going to be an incredible group this year.

Current goals

  • Squat 185x100@185
  • Deadlift 500@190
  • Squat 405@190
  • Snatch 50kg KB
  • Bend 5/16x8" FNL Grade 8 Bolt
  • Overhead 2 100lb DB's
  • Bench 300@185