Monday, December 8, 2008

Squats again...

Had a squat session for the first time in 3 weeks:

Back Squat
275x2(that is my old max for 2 reps)
275x1(dropped the 2nd rep)
245x3(dropped the 4th rep)

I've decided that to get to BWx100, I'll need to make my BW feel like nothing. To do THAT I need to up my squat. My max was only 90lbs over my goal weight for 100 reps. I thought about it like that for the first time and then considered all the guys who have gone for, or were capable of BWx100. The guy who inspired me was John Allen, whose squat is well above 500 and did 218x98, Tom Platz' squat was over 800 raw, Kurt Angle had a 500+ squat(never heard max #'s), and so on. Perhaps a minimum of a 400lb squat would be sufficient? Perhaps only 2xBW or 370? I don't know, I'll cross that road when I come to it but I will be working mainly at increasing my squat with the occasional 10x10 or 4x25 sets thrown in. Also, my lower back is tight and that is holding me back from deadlifting seriously currently and that is a problem for me. I think it's an issue where my lower back is much stronger than the muscles around it. To remedy this, I will do several things with the #1 thing being squats and increasing my max. I also plan to rarely pull from the floor, instead I will work off platforms and work deficiet deads. Suitcase deadlifts, FW's, power cleans, axle deadlifts, heavy rows(my row is pathetic), LOTS AND LOTS OF DIRECT CORE WORK, and plenty of rest. Of course, my 50kg KB will have a nice place in this program too as I am almost literally a hair from a full snatch righty.

Onto the rest of the work:

2 cleans with my 50kg KB each arm(I can only do these inside at the moment with concrete floors, dropping it is not an option so I am forced to quit early with KB cleans, presses and swings.)

Sumo Deadlifts
315xa bunch, I didn't really count how many but it was between 10 and 20, certainly more than 10 and definitely not 20. Easy weight, but my back still likes to remind me that my back is tight with anything approaching heavy weight in a full deadlift. So I have to keep it light or risk back pain/injury


Adam said...


Your jumping around too much with this Zach. Squatting once every three weeks will net you a big fat ZERO for this crazy goal-You know that.

You need to crawl under that bar twice a week, even if it nearly kills you.

Re-center, and refocus-than attack again.

Zach Coulter said...

I got all red in the face:D I know. I couldn't do much about the last two weeks, school blocked me one week and the next week was christmas decorating day. The problem I am having is that 185 still feels heavy. I don't think it'll take me but a few months and I'll be up to 360-400lbs and much more prepared to go for my attempt. I said in the beginning and I'll say it again, this is for the long haul. I don't want to work up to BWx100 and then go back to normal squatting, I fully plan on keeping high reps in my training to help with strongman and other pursuits. I still need to "break my legs in" as it were, but once that happens, 2x a week squatting was part of my diabolical plan:D

Adam said...


read you post again and tell me your not serious bro.

"School blocked me one week and the next week was christmas decorating day"...weak

You need someone busting your balls to keep you on track, i happen to have scheduled 2 minutes a day to drop in do exactly that.

recenter, refocus, and attack again.

Zach Coulter said...

On the christmas decorating day, you obviously don't know my mom :D Seriously though, it's a family tradition and we go up to my grandma's house every year since she has trouble decorating her tree. It's kind of a post-thanksgiving and pre-christmas family reunion. Took the day over quick. School was just a clever ruse, I just didn't squat :(

I greatly appreciate it man! I will be squatting 2x a week starting this week!!!

Current goals

  • Squat 185x100@185
  • Deadlift 500@190
  • Squat 405@190
  • Snatch 50kg KB
  • Bend 5/16x8" FNL Grade 8 Bolt
  • Overhead 2 100lb DB's
  • Bench 300@185