Monday, July 6, 2009

Larkin Get-together

Had a get-together at Larkin's today. Everytime I go there I leave with a new-found lust for strength. Re-energized as it were. I managed to get 405 in the deadlift again, but couldn't do it without a belt. I'm extremely disappointed at how hard it was each time I pulled it. It should be far easier than it was by now and I will be deadlifting regularly again. I came sub 1/4" on 2 BB grippers that were(I'm told) harder than the MM1. Those BB's really like to bind up at the last little bit. I really just need to get my set down again and I'll have that MM1 in the bag. I pinched 163ish on my device and did some light levers. A bad time cannot be had at Larkin's gym.

In preparation for Nationals, I did some rear weaver levers with a hammer when I got home. Managed to work up to my 12lber and get at least one solid rep in. I'm fairly certain I will be doing better on this event at Nationals than I did at Gripmas last year.

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Current goals

  • Squat 185x100@185
  • Deadlift 500@190
  • Squat 405@190
  • Snatch 50kg KB
  • Bend 5/16x8" FNL Grade 8 Bolt
  • Overhead 2 100lb DB's
  • Bench 300@185